6 Dive Sights Along Shark Malignant

Bang Modznan
Diving is a very enjoyable activity.

Diving can provide its own experience the underwater scenery with hundreds of colourful fish and coral in it. For sports fans, the thrill of diving under water making them addicted to berlamalama enjoy the beautiful view of the Aquarium world.

There are many diving spot in Indonesia as well as other parts of the world that offers its beauty under the sea that will fascinate anyone who saw it. But did you know there are several tourist attractions, diving in the world that could even make Adrenaline jantungan the penyelamnya?

Why is this so? because at the venue you will be diving together dozens of sharks malignant?

PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) recommend some dive sights are challenging, among others:

1. Fish Rock Cave, Australia

 Located on the East coast of Australia, the cave has a length of up to 410 feet is often used as a home for these types of sharks "grey nurse". The shark is also called with the "sand tiger shark" or "ragged toothed sharks (Carcharias Taurus)" because it has large teeth that are separated by a few small teeth so looks creepy, the length can reach 3 meters.

Some of the professional divers make this place as a shootout event guts because the dive sites are challenging with many ferocious shark.

2. Cat Island, Bahamas 

Island Cat or Cat Island in the Bahamas is a Commonwealth country which has 700 islands in the area of ± Caribbean, bordered by Florida (USA) on the West and South of Cuba.

The island is a small island but has the advantage of the attractions of the beach and the mountains.

Cat Island waters calm and yet many touchable tourists is a paradise for divers who like a challenge.

This is caused because of its reefs are still a Virgin is the habitat of several species of sharks, among other things: tiger shark, shark oceanic white tipped (Carcharhinid longimanus), lemon sharks and reef sharks that are yellowish.

3. Cocos Island, Costa Rica

 Located at 300 miles off the coast of the Pacific, Cocos Island Costa Rica or Cocos island supposedly save a lot of treasure buried relics of the 19th-century pirates who buried under the sea. The island is forested and covered most of the territory is not uninhabited.

Cocos island is a popular spot for diving while treasure hunting, but previously had to get permission from Costa Rica Park Rangers and must have a certificate because it includes deep sea diving.

Types of sharks that inhabit this area: hammerhead sharks, white tip sharks, as well as the whale shark. In particular SATS dives are becoming increasingly exciting with the advent of humpback whales and pilot whales.

4. Guadalupe, Meksiko

Guadalupe island is a small volcanic island in Mexico that are favored as a diving attractions most stressful because the Palace for great white shark population.

Here divers can see the biggest sea predator malignancy from distance close enough because of some tourist operator dive there has been complete equipment with a diving cage.

5. Gansbaai, Afrika Selatan

Gansbaai is a fishing village and is a popular diving attraction in Western Cape, South Africa. This place provides a creepy adventure while diving along the famous giant white shark as one of terganas shark in the world.

The waters of the Gansbaai is the territory of the great white shark in the world so much invite researchers and scientists from around the world to come observe proved it.

This species will more and more have sprung up as the seasons seals breed so divers are requested extra careful.

6. Wilmington, Karolina Utara

 The city of Wilmington is located in New Hanover, North Carolina, United States. In this town there is the wreck of the tanker that sunk by attack terpedo Navy 1942 World War Germany.

The tanker wreckage on the ocean floor it turns out to be the gathering sand tiger shark habitat and become one of the top dive sights are stressful.

That's some dive sights are worth a visit if you want to test the courage of underwater sports. If it is still the first time diving, it's good reading tips diving for beginners who need to know.

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