Bali Sanur Beach Attractions

Bang Modznan
Tourism object Bali-Sanur sanur Beach Tourism is one of the attractions of the beach is quite popular, as a place of vacation fits when visiting Bali.

Why ... ..?

Because, this central sanur Beach offers a very quiet sea waves, with views of the picturesque charm, from the rising sun.

Layout tours sanur Beach in Bali on the eastern part of the city of Denpasar, which you can travel approximately 16 kilometres from ngurah rai airport, which will take a 25-minute journey, depending on traffic flow.

Because it has a very calm sea waves, then the beaches in bali is less suitable for this kind of sports of surfing, but it also has provided a wide range of very interesting beach games, etc.

As with the seawalker, snorkeling and scuba diving also. If you are a beginner in sport diving, this beach is perfect for you, for a very quiet coastal currents.

Sanur Beach tourism became a mainstay of the Bali tourist attractions
Sanur Beach attractions are there in Bali the island of gods is indeed very suitable for your kids, for only in sanur beach this is the kids can swim very calm sea diarus, and not very deep.
In addition, your kids can also do a variety of ball game dipasir white sanur Beach, which of course this will increasingly make the holidays the children You makin fun.

Even more interestingly, you can also instill in children the beauty of the underwater landscape, with try seawalker on sanur beach.
When the morning Eve, you can invite your kids to sit back in an oceanfront gazebo building, while waiting for a beautiful view of the sunrise.
Along the shores of sanur beach is very fitting indeed, a place to see and enjoy views of the Sunrise, which never will you find another Beach, diwisata in Bali.

The beauty of sanur Beach, equipped with facilities that are ready to spoil your holidays together with children, family, relatives, or any of your companions, it is worth to visit when you are in Bali. So the reviews we can inform about the sights of the sanur Beach Bali, may be useful.

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