In addition to the Crepes, here's a Typical French Dessert 5 Not Known but it's Never Asked

Bang Modznan

Travelocity- Located in the western part of the continent of Europe, France bordering Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and Belgium.

France is best known for the world since the Eiffel Tower completed by Gustave Eiffel, who became an icon of tourism in Paris.

In addition to being the site of the Eiffel Tower on the banks of the river Seine, Paris ever known as the best dessert in the Central European countries.

No wonder the French pastry chef visits the world to learn how to manufacture terenak dessert in the world.

Reported by TribunTravel from Delish, the following five best typical French dessert that is not too well known people of the world, but it's delicious no tara.

1. Mousse
Mousse made from egg whites and whipped cream that is whipped until fluffy and foamy, then added the chocolate or fruit juice.
With a texture that is soft and smooth, usually the most delicious mousse if added melted chocolate topping on it.
Or if using a flavor of the fruit, mousse Strawberry fruit topping was given.

2. Palmier
Palmier is a typical French snacks commonly heart-shaped or similar to elephant ears.
Made from the skin of the pastry dough, palmier golden brown crystals with sugar sprinkles on top.

3. Tarte Tatin
Made from a mixture of apricot and Apple tarte tatin, shaped similar to a fruit pie with a sweet taste.
In France, the tarte tatin is usually given pieces topping Apple and caramel layer.

4. Madeleine
Shaped like a seashell, madeleine is a sponge cake or sponge cake made from flour.
Madeleine batter is often added to the butter and the juice of lemon to add delicious aromas on the cake.

5. Eclair
Eclair cake similar to the sus, however shaped elongated with stuffing vla called custard.
Made from flour, butter, milk, eggs, and sugar, eclair served with melted chocolate topping.

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